2023 | Genre: Documentary
Role: Producer (CinemAsia FilmLAB)
A PRECIOUS SHADOW (Tenzing Woing) follows a 90s Chinese immigrant dinner discussing the past. Their survival and hard work living in the red-light district. Bringing up touching and tough memories that reignite a journey of nostalgia at the dinner table, ending with songs of missing home.
Cast: Thi Go Woing, Shan Gang, Wang Zi Peng, Yu Yi Fan, Frank Dorjee, Liu Hong Feng, Dolma Lama, Xiao Xian, Sun Qi
Directed and created by: Tenzing Woing
DOP: Steji
Crew: Jennifer Tenjing, Xiang Yu Yeung, Tony Chen, Ihau Yang, Chung Dha Lam, Nathan Doeswijk, Lars Smetsers, Amir Bar, Sietske Brockhoff, Shuai Wang, Tenzin Palden, Yasin Maddamin, Devansh Gupta, Ali Altirkawi, Helen Tsang, Mac Liu, Fow Pyng Hu, Doris Yeung, Jia Zhao, Martijn van Veen